About the

The Port of Açu Complex is one of the largest port and industrial developments in Brazil, located in São João da Barra, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Developed by Prumo Logística, the complex covers an area of approximately 130 km² and is strategically located near the country's major oil basins, such as the pre-salt fields.

The Complex is situated in the Northern Fluminense Region, in the 5th district of São João da Barra (RJ). Its implementation involved a collaboration between public and private sectors, aiming to meet its needs, particularly regarding the land area. This led to significant impacts on the territorial dynamics of the 5th district, resulting in the expropriation of many residents.

Porto do Açu Complex - T-Mult General Cargo and Oil Ships

The T-Mult South Terminal is a facility dedicated to the import and export of various products, storage of petroleum derivatives, manufacturing and assembly of maritime machinery and equipment for oil and gas production and exploration, as well as support activities for vessels.

Products such as coal, pet coke, clinker, pig iron, limestone, petroleum slag, steel products, marble, granite, automobiles, containers, among others, will be exported and imported. There will be storage of liquid cargoes such as diesel, gasoline, lubricants, ethanol, caustic soda, and sulfuric acid. Additionally, activities related to the manufacturing, assembly, and maintenance of cranes, umbilical cables, pipelines, well controllers, Christmas trees, and other products will be developed to serve the oil and gas production and exploration market.

Environmental Licenses

Below, you will find the complete documentation related to the environmental licenses of the Porto do Açu Complex. All files are available for download, providing direct access to detailed information about the licensing processes and their conditions.



AA No. IN050670
Berthing of oil platforms and
support vessels along the
channel and south breakwater of Terminal 2.



LI No. IN042068
Dredging for deepening the Navigation
Channel at Terminal 2 (offshore and



LP No. IN018985
Design and location of a port facility for general cargo,
solid and liquid bulk, offshore industry supply, etc.

LI No. IN023176
Construction of a port facility for handling solid and liquid bulk,
general cargo, and project cargo.



LO No. IN034002
Handling of dry bulk (bauxite, coal, coke) and general cargo
(containers, project cargo, and granite); diversification of
dry bulk cargo (including temporary storage in
covered warehouses); oil platforms at berths, support vessels,
and equipment assembly in the hinterland.



OUT nº IN038837



OUT nº IN038837



OUT nº IN028801



LP No. IN018985
Design and location of a port facility for general cargo,
solid and liquid bulk, offshore industry supply, etc.

LI No. IN023176
Construction of a port facility for handling solid and liquid bulk,
general cargo, and project cargo.



OUT No. IN038837



LPI No. IN028199
Design of the common infrastructure
of Terminal 2.



OUT No. IN022389



LAS No. IN046935
Location, implementation, and operation of a
diesel fueling station.



LPI No. IN030901
Location and implementation
of two sand disposal sites for dredged material.



LP No. IN021311
Design and location of the common infrastructure of the
São João da Barra Industrial District



LO No. IN016484
Location, implementation, and operation of the quarry.



LI No. IN030949
Installation of a yard in the Logistics and Industrial Complex area of Porto do Açu.



OUT nº IN001541

AA No. IN050670
Berthing of oil platforms and support vessels along the channel and south breakwater of the Terminal.

LI No. IN042068
Dredging for deepening the Navigation Channel at Terminal 2 (offshore and onshore).

LP No. IN018985
Design and location of a port facility for general cargo, solid and liquid bulk, offshore industry supply, etc.

LI No. IN023176
Construction of a port facility for handling solid and liquid bulk, general cargo, and project cargo.

LO No. IN034002 Handling of dry bulk (bauxite, coal, coke) and general cargo (containers, project cargo, and granite); diversification of dry bulk cargo (including temporary storage in covered warehouses); oil platforms at berths, support boats, and equipment assembly in the hinterland.


OUT nº IN038837

OUT nº IN038837

OUT nº IN028801

LP No. IN018985
Design and location of a port facility for general cargo, solid and liquid bulk, offshore industry supply, etc.

LI No. IN023176
Construction of a port facility for handling solid and liquid bulk, general cargo, and project cargo.

OUT nº IN038837

LPI No. IN028199
Design of the common infrastructure of Terminal 2.

LAS No. IN046935
Location, implementation, and operation of a diesel fueling station.

LPI No. IN030901
Location and implementation of two sand disposal sites for dredged material.

LP No. IN021311
Design and location of the common infrastructure of the São João da Barra Industrial District.

LO No. IN016484
Location, implementation, and operation of the quarry.

LI No. IN030949
Installation of a yard in the Logistics and Industrial Complex area of Porto do Açu

OUT nº IN001541

Public Hearings

Public hearings are essential spaces for promoting dialogue between society, authorities, and entrepreneurs, especially in large-scale projects like the Açu Industrial and Port Complex. Through these meetings, the social, economic, and environmental implications of port and industrial activities in the region are discussed. Below, you will find a list of videos of public hearings that address topics such as environmental licensing, labor rights, socio-environmental impact, and more. These gatherings provide an opportunity for the community to express their concerns and influence the decisions that shape the region’s development.

Public Hearing – OABRJ
Date: 05/16/2024
Topic: Bill revising the Ports Law
Description: Hearing on the legal review of port and port facility operations, organized by OABRJ.

Public Hearing – Hydrogen and Low Carbon Derivatives Hub
Date: 11/23/2023
Topic: Locational, environmental, and technological feasibility of the Hydrogen and Low Carbon Derivatives Hub
Description: Public hearing organized by CECA and Porto do Açu to discuss the project’s feasibility and environmental impacts.

Virtual Public Hearing – Açu Petróleo Pipelines
Date: 07/22/2020
Topic: Environmental licensing for pipeline implementation
Description: Virtual public hearing on the environmental licensing of the pipelines that will connect the tank farm in São João da Barra to the existing network in the Southeast Region.

Public Hearing – Social Impacts
Date: 06/08/2017
Topic: The social impacts of the implementation of the Açu Industrial and Port Complex
Description: Public hearing held at Alerj regarding the social impacts of the implementation of Porto do Açu.


Below, you will find a selection of articles about Porto do Açu, covering various aspects related to socio-environmental conflicts, court decisions, and regional impacts. Each link leads directly to the original article, where you can explore the full details of the discussions and events.

  • Title: Pelinca will soon have a gym from businesswoman Layla Póvoa, following the high standards of her gyms in RJ, Barra, and Recreio
    Publication: J3 News (j3news.com)
    Date: June 9, 2024
    Article Link
  • Title: Porto do Açu notifies OSX that it will not extend the standstill agreement
    Publication: Valor Econômico (valor.globo.com)
    Date: October 16, 2023
    Article Link
  • Title: Land expropriations still dragging on at Porto do Açu
    Publication: Terra (terra.com.br)
    Date: August 6, 2023
    Article Link
  • Title: RJ: Social and environmental conflicts in the Porto do Açu region will be the subject of a public hearing
    Publication: Brasil de Fato RJ (brasildefatorj.com.br)
    Date: June 29, 2023
    Article Link
  • Title: Alerj resumes discussions on social and environmental conflicts involving Porto do Açu
    Publication: O Dia (odia.ig.com.br)
    Date: July 2023
    Article Link
  • Title: Court suspends Açu aerodrome construction due to environmental risk
    Publication: Portos e Navios (portosenavios.com.br)
    Date: (Date not specified)
    Article Link
  • Title: Prumo Logística begins environmental licensing for offshore park in Northern Rio de Janeiro
    Publication: Petronotícias (petronoticias.com.br)
    Date: (Date not specified)
    Article Link
  • Title: Porto Central: The marginal part
    Publication: Sindipúblicos (sindipublicos.com.br)
    Date: (Date not specified)
    Article Link
  • Title: Porto Central: Local population poorly informed about impacts
    Publication: Século Diário (seculodiario.com.br)
    Date: (Date not specified)
    Article Link
  • Title: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Porto do Açu moves from fragmented to virtual environmental licensing
    Publication: Blog do Pedlowski (blogdopedlowski.com)
    Date: July 16, 2020
    Article Link
  • Title: The end of the beach: Mega port and thermoelectric plants with foreign partners threaten riverine and quilombola communities in ES
    Publication: Repórter Brasil (reporterbrasil.org.br)
    Date: June 30, 2020
    Article Link
  • Title: Court blocks operation of Açu heliport
    Publication: J3 News (j3news.com)
    Date: January 25, 2021
    Article Link
  • Title: Açu vs. Santos Cargo Movement: 100 to 1 difference shows the limits of merchandising
    Publication: Blog do Pedlowski (blogdopedlowski.com)
    Date: December 25, 2021
    Article Link
  • Title: Macaé-Campos pipeline for second thermoelectric plant at Porto do Açu is presented
    Publication: J3 News (j3news.com)
    Date: March 24, 2021
    Article Link
  • Title: Investigated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Porto do Açu is expected to start operations soon
    Publication: O Globo (oglobo.globo.com)
    Date: April 4, 2014
    Article Link
  • Title: The EIA of OSX’s UCN is a great guide to understand the erosion at Praia do Açu
    Publication: Blog do Pedlowski (blogdopedlowski.com)
    Date: September 3, 2014
    Article Link
  • Title: The erosion at Praia do Açu: EIA of the regasification terminal as an instrument of responsibility exemption
    Publication: Blog do Pedlowski (blogdopedlowski.com)
    Date: September 16, 2017
    Article Link
  • Title: Porto do Açu (Blog tag, contains several posts on page 38)
    Publication: Blog do Pedlowski (blogdopedlowski.com)
    Date: Various publication dates
    Article Link
  • Title: Lawsuits against Eike Batista show environmental and labor impasses at Porto do Açu
    Publication: BBC Brasil (bbc.com)
    Date: August 1, 2013
    Article Link
  • Title: Gabeira returns to the Fluminense region where pineapples grow salty
    Publication: G1 Globo News (g1.globo.com)
    Date: December 1, 2013
    Article Link
  • Title: Eike’s port causes environmental damage in Rio, study indicates
    Publication: Exame (exame.com)
    Date: September 3, 2012
    Article Link
  • Title: Sand extraction may be exempted from environmental impact study
    Publication: Extra (extra.globo.com)
    Date: November 21, 2012
    Article Link
  • Title: Rio Prosecutor’s Office investigates environmental impact in works by Eike Batista’s group at Porto do Açu
    Publication: UOL (uol.com.br)
    Date: December 6, 2012
    Article Link


References and Links

Environmental Impact Report (RIMA):
RIMA LLX South Terminal

Supplementary Environmental Impact Study (EIA):
EIA Porto do Açu – Logistics Yard and Port Operations

Strategic Environmental Assessment (AAE):
AAE Porto do Açu

Environmental Impact Study – Sustainability:
Vast Infrastructure – Sustainability

Fragility in the Environmental Licensing Process:
Fragility in the Licensing Process of the Açu Port Complex

Doing Business at Porto do Açu:
Porto do Açu Business Guide 2020

Publications in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro:
Official Publication 1
Official Publication 2

Possession Reinstatement Action by CODIN:
GSA – Appeal

Case Study on Environmental Conflicts:
The Implementation of Porto do Açu – Case Study

Environmental Impact Report (RIMA):
RIMA LLX Terminal Sul

Supplementary Environmental Impact Study (EIA):
EIA Porto do Açu – Logistics Yard and Port Operations

Strategic Environmental Assessment (AAE):
AAE Porto do Açu

Environmental Impact Study – Sustainability:
Vast Infrastructure – Sustainability

Weakness in the Environmental Licensing Process:
Weakness in the Environmental Licensing Process of the Porto do Açu Complex

Doing Business at Porto do Açu:
Porto do Açu Business Guide 2020

Operating License – LO nº IN034002:
LO IN034002 – Porto do Açu

Publications in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro:
Official Publication 1
Official Publication 2

Possession Reinstatement Action by CODIN:
GSA – Appeal

Case Study on Environmental Conflicts:
The Implementation of Porto do Açu – Case Study

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Porto do Açu